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Ride back to Freedom
2 wheels in search of lost freedom in times of Coronavirus
2 Räder auf der Suche nach der verlorenen 
Freiheit in Zeiten des Coronavirus
2 ruote alla ricerca della libertà perduta ai tempo di Coronavirus


to come...


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First Teaser right after the shooting and bevor we started the editing...

Teaser showing a few moments of our shooting material...
Trailer German with English subtitles
Video abspielen

Trailer-Ride back to Freedom

Synopsis / Inhaltsangabe / Sinossi


What does freedom mean when the whole world is trapped by an unprecedented pandemic? 


Starting on June 15th 2020, when the border between Austria and Italy opened up for the first time after the Corona-related lockdown, the Austrian director Hermann Weiskopf rides his scooter for almost 5,000 kilometers from the north to the south of Italy. 

Against the breathtaking backdrop of the "Bel Paese”, we witness Italians of all ages and backgrounds giving varied accounts; some tragic, some comic, some philosophical, but most of all inspiring stories! 

As well as an assortment of stories from the locals, the road trip includes phases of loneliness and doubt. The physical and mental exertion begin to take their toll on Hermann.

Nevertheless, continuing his mission, Hermann reaches the most southern point of Italy, the island of Lampedusa. As through a magnifying glass, this historical road trip highlights and offers a touching snapshot of the pandemic in Italy. 


Im Sattel seiner geliebten Vespa hat sich der österreichische Regisseur Hermann Weiskopf gleich nach dem ersten schweren COVID-19 Lockdown und der Wiederöffnung der Grenze am Brenner auf einen Roadtrip durch Italien bis nach Lampedusa begeben, um herauszufinden, was den Menschen dort und ihm selbst Freiheit bedeutet.


In sella alla sua amata Vespa subito dopo il primo lockdown da COVID-19 nell’estate 2020 il regista austriaco Hermann Weiskopf parte per un viaggio attraverso l'Italia fino a Lampedusa per scoprire cosa significhi la libertà ai tempi del Coronavirus per la gente e per se stesso.



Hermann Weiskopf


Director of Photography

Bernhard Freinademetz


Idea, Film Concept, Text Speaker's Voice

Kirsten Ossoinig, Dr. Peter Mair, Hermann Weiskopf


Composition Film Music

Bernhard Falkner


Film Editing

Enrico Carrozzino


Colorist, Recording of the Speaker's Voice, Graphics

Ugo Laurenti


Sound Design und Sound Mixing

Tomas Bastian



Max Bauer & Norman Büttner



Ute Kroeniger



Roberto Pitondo


Subtitles English

Gwen McGuirk


Teaser – Trailer -- Ride back to Freedom

Jesse Kent - Ugo Laurenti


Studios Postproduction 

DG Media - Claudio Marani - Roma

Unknown Studio - Jesse Kent – Fulpmes

Filmsound – Das Tonstudio im Blauen Land – Tomas Bastian – Murnau

Rear World Studio – Ugo Laurenti - Velletri



“Fantasy Kingdom”

Song Courtesy - Gardaland S.r.l.


“Ride back to the Freedom” performed by PIT

Song Courtesy – Francesco Pitondo


“Nessun dorma” performed live by Cristian Ricci

Cristian Ricci – Tenor

Silvia Carta  – Klavier


„Back to Freedom“ performed by Marlon Prantl @ TyRoll feat. Verena Pötzl

Writen by: Marlon Prantl, Ralf Metzler, Alexander Scheiber

Verena Pötzl: Vocal

Marlon Prantl: Vocal

Sarah Hawkyard: Backing Vocals

Reinhard Tamerl: Ukulele

Herbert Praxmarer: Acoustic Guitars

Peter Greier: Electric Guitars

Alexander Scheiber: Additional Guitars

Jürgen Nawratil: Bass Guitar

Ralf Metzler: Keys, Programming, Editing & Mix

Kenneth Winkler & Heinz Luschtinetz: Master

Song Courtesy -


“Coronavirus” performed life by MAVIT

a song from the album/CD “Coronavirus”

Vittorio Angioni – Electric Guitar & Vocal

Marcello Cardillo – Bass Guitar

Manlio Abati – Electric Guitar 

Walter Garzella – Percussion

Song Courtesy – MAVIT


Supported by

Kulturabteilung Land Tirol

Kulturabteilung Stadt Innsbruck

Österreichisches Film Institut (ÖFI - for Austrian cinema tour)



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